Woodland and Trees


  • Trees
    • Species Identification – SWCD staff can assist with tree identification.  Knowing the specie of tree is paramount to its management. 
  • ODNR Div. of Forestry Tree ID website.


    • Tree Planting – We can assist with tree planting providing trees through our tree sale, information on species selection and soil types.
      • Species Selection – There are many options for planting a tree, selecting the right tree in the right location is the best scenario for success.  Several factors such as amount of sunlight, water needs, and fertility matter to the tree, while mature tree height and proximity to buildings/property lines matter to others.  We can help match the right tree for the location and your intended purpose for a successful planting.  
      • Soil Type – Soil type plays a big role in the maximizing tree growth, time to maturity and overall health.  Matching the specie of tree to the soil type on site greatly improves success for both the tree and the landowner planting it. 
      • Windbreaks
        • Design/Planning – SWCD staff can custom design your windbreak to meet your needs- including type of species, number of rows, number of trees and the spacing necessary to provide the best windbreak for your property. 
        • NW Ohio Windbreak Program – Windbreak planting program through a partnership with Ohio Div. of Forestry. This is a “turn-key” program that provides the trees, equipment and labor to plant field windbreaks in Northwest Ohio.  
          Application          Operating Procedures         Program Flyer
    • Annual Tree Sale –       

Each spring the SWCD offers a variety of bareroot stock hardwood and evergreen seedlings for sale.  Trees are carefully selected from wholesale nurseries in our planting zones to ensure optimal growth and success. 

  • Woodland Management

SWCD staff assists woodland owners with a variety of woodland management opportunities, including woodland management planning, incentive programs and information on woodland best management practices.

  • Woodland Management Plans

Woodland management plans developed with site specific landowner objectives for timber and woodland management.  These plans are written as a guide for landowner management. 

  • Invasive Species Control



  • Woodland Conservation Program Assistance
      • Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Assistance –cost share assistance for landowners to help offset the cost of tree plantings.  Certain restrictions and eligibility requirements apply.   Eligible practices include windbreaks and whole field tree plantings.  https://www.fsa.usda.gov/programs-and-services/conservation-programs/conservation-reserve-program/
      • Continuous CRP program – USDA/FSA voluntary program that provides annual incentives to agricultural producers so that environmentally sensitive agricultural land is not farmed or ranched, but instead devoted to specfic eligible  conservation practices.  Contracts are generally 10-15 years in length.  This program is NOT competitive and offered all year long. crp-continuous-enrollment-period-factsheet.pdf (usda.gov)
  • Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) – Program that provides additional incentives to the USDA CRP for select practices in the Western Lake Erie and Scioto River Watersheds in Ohio. Increases annual CRP soil rental rates and provides additional sign-up bonuses. Eligible practices include grass filter strips, streamside tree plantings, wetland developments, and tree windbreaks. https://www.fsa.usda.gov/programs-and-services/conservation-programs/conservation-reserve-enhancement/index
  • Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) Assistance- incentive program that provides assistance for management practices aimed at improving forestlands. Practices can include invasive specie controls Certain restrictions and eligibility requirements apply.   Eligible practices include timber best management practices                                https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/main/national/programs/financial/eqip/
      • Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) – USDA/NRCS program that provides annual payments for developing a conservation plan that includes implementing new conservation practices on your land and operating and maintaining existing conservation efforts.  Plan practices can include cropland, grazing land, wildlife and woodland practices. https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/programs-initiatives/csp-conservation-stewardship-program

