Ag News and Views - Newsletter

Click to view the latest Ag News and Views Newsletter:

1st Quarter 2024 –

1st Quarter Insert 2024-

  • Tree Sale
  • Fish Sale 
  • H2Ohio Meetings 
  • Farmland Preservation Meeting
  • Board Reorganization
  • Year End Highlights

2nd Quarter 2024

  • H2Ohio Hay Buffer
  • Spring Applied Manure 
  • Spring Storm Water Tips
  • New Nutrient Management Technician
  • Upcoming Events 

3rd Quarter 2024 –

  • 79th Annual Meeting
  • New Staff Member
  • Spring Tillage Survey Results
  • SWCD Supervisor Candidate
  • Stormdrain Art
  • Profitable Pastures
  • Spring Waterways

1st Quarter 2023

1st Quarter 2023-Insert

  • Tree Sale
  • Fish Sale
  • Year End Highlights 
  • Conservation Program Sign Up
  • Mortality Composting
  • Tillage Transect

2nd Quarter  2023 –

  • Spring Pond Management Tips
  • Grow More Timber
  • Stormwater Pollution Prevention
  • H2Ohio Program Results
  • Drainage Assistance 
  • Save The Date – Annual Meeting
  • Supervisor Election 

3rd Quarter 2023 –

  • Annual Meeting Announcement
  • Spring Tillage Results 
  • E.Q.I.P
  • H2Ohio Reminders
  • Election Notice 
  • Summer Manure Management 

4th Quarter 2023

  • SWCD Employment Opportunity
  • H2Ohio Open Enrollment
  • 2023 Cooperator of the Year 
  • Fall Youth Programs
  • Woodland Timber Stand Improvement
  • Northwest Ohio Windbreak Program