Items for Sale or Rent
- For Sale:
Stainless Steel Tile Probes – Yellow Handle
- 4 ft. x 5/16″ rod — $40.25
- 4 1/2 ft. x 5/16″ rod — $42.00
Innovative Mfg. LLC Tile Probes – Black Handle & Zinc Coated, Replaceable Tip
- 4 ft. x 3/8″ rod — $30.00
- 5 ft. x 3/8″ rod — $35.00
- Replaceable Tip — $8.00
Tile Probe Replacement Tip — $8.00
For probe with 3/8 inch rod (Black Handled Probes)
only: Ask at the front counter.
For Sale:
36-inch Wire Staff:
- 4 x 5 inch flag — 25 for $4.00
- 4 x 5 inch flag — 100 for $12.50
- 5 x 8 inch flag — 100 for $13.50
24-inch Plastic Staff:
- 4 x 5 inch flag — 50 for $5.00
6 -foot Fiberglass Staff:
- Pennant 8.5″ x 11.5″ triangular flag 1 for $12.25
For Sale:
Animal Guards for Tile Outlets
Forked Zinc Coated Metal:
- 4 inch — $7.25
- 6 inch — $8.00
- 8 inch — $10.25
- 10 inch — $15.50
- 12 inch — $18.75
Miscellaneous Items
- Pond Buoy, 20 inch — $66.00
- Manure Sample Analysis: Z001 – $50.00 includes postage
- Soil Sample Analysis: S001 – $25.00 includes postage
For Rent:
Tree Planter
- $100.00 per day in county
- $125.00 per day out of county
Must sign rental agreement and pay one day’s rent in advance.