Pond Assistance
SWCD staff assists residents and landowners with a technical assistance related to new pond construction and management of existing ponds. Every other year the SWCD hosts a Pond Clinic for residents and landowners to learn all about ponds from construction to management.
This Ohio Pond Management Handbook offered by ODNR is a great resource for pond management:
New Construction
- Site Evaluation – Staff will evaluate the site and gather information to make a professional recommendation on the overall site suitability for a pond.
- Soils Evaluation – Soil consultation test holes to determine soil suitability. Requires a backhoe and staff on site at the time of excavation.
- Watershed Delineation – A ponds watershed is the area of land that drains into the pond during rain event. A pond’s watershed is important because it is the water supply source for the pond, determining a ponds size and management level. As a rule of thumb, we recommend 10 acres of watershed for every 1 acre of pond.
- Construction Assistance – Staff can offer general construction information including sizing, dikes, and spillway design information.
- Contractors List – List of area professional contractors that do test holes, pond construction and maintenance.
Existing Pond
- Weed Management – Staff can help identify pond weeds for a targeted approach for controlling it. We can also assist with correct herbicide treatments or alternative measures for control.
- Fish Management – We can help with fish stocking rates and habitat improvements that can benefit your ponds fishery.
- Fish Fingerling Sale – Each year the SWCD offers fish to stock your pond. Included in the sale are bluegill varieties, largemouth bass, yellow perch, channel catfish, white amurs (grass carp), fathead minnows and other fingerlings for sale. The sale is by pre-order only and is held in the spring of the year.
- Ohio fish vendors list: https://dam.assets.ohio.gov/image/upload/ohiodnr.gov/documents/wildlife/permits/PUB_5196-Fish_Propagators_List_R0124.pdf
- Pond Consultants List – List of professionals that do pond consultation and provide products for pond management practices, aeration and fountains.
Ponds for Home Water Source
- Ohio laws must be followed for using a pond as a home water supply. If you are considering this as an option for your pond check the regulations for what will be required. Home water use is regulated through Crawford County Health Department crawfordhealth.com
- ORC Requirements; https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-administrative-code/rule-3701-28-14
- Rivers, streams, creeks, lakes, quarries and drainage ditches are bodies of water that are not acceptable for use as private water systems.
- The pond and its entire watershed (land up gradient from the pond that drains and directs surface water into the pond) must be under the ownership of the pond owner and located on a parcel or parcels placed under one deed.
- The watershed for the pond must meet several requirements which are highlighted in the Ohio Department of Health Private Water System Rules.
- Pond water must be under continuous disinfection and filtration. These requirements are also outlined in the ODH water rules.